We want justice! – Psalm 58

My family wasn’t wealthy. My mum made all our clothes, and I thought it wasn’t at all fair, that as the 3rd daughter, I had so many hand-me-down clothes. My friend across the road was an only child, and she had all new, bought-from-a-shop clothes. Not fair at all! Now, as an adult looking back, I can see that I had the best deal – parents who worked hard and valued education for girls, and lots of happy, secure, family fun.

Across our world, there are so many injustices. Not kids’ stuff, like having to suffer the indignity of second-hand clothes, but oppression, not having enough to eat, little or no education, not having any opportunities to improve… And when one’s own government is doing the oppressing, when justice cannot be obtained, it leads people into bitterness and rebellion.

As Christians, we have the most powerful weapon against such injustice – the power of prayer – if we apply it consistently and accurately, with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is the message of Psalm 58, that injustice is a profoundly evil thing, but that God is still on the throne. He is the ultimate judge, and will bring in the rule of righteousness. In the meantime, let us not neglect to pray for those in our world who are facing overwhelmingly difficult times.

I’m praying too, that we might be  ‘grown-up’ in our perspectives – not moaning about tiny first-world problems, but actively aware of those in our world who need powerful overcoming prayer, in the name of the One who is called “Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end”. (Isaiah 9:6-7) That’s what our world needs. Let’s pray it in.

Psalm 58:1-11Psalm 58:11

About widemargin

Retired special needs teacher. Mother, grandmother, widowed after nearly 43 years of happy marriage. So glad I have my Lord Jesus to help me through every day. My aim is to hear what God is speaking for me, this day, this moment, through what I read in his Word, together with the experiences of everyday life. He's the best teacher!
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